Giving Thanks

My life has been blessed with a wide range of people that have helped me become the person I am today and for whom I am forever grateful.

Personal: First and foremost a huge thank you to my beautiful wife, Karen, without whom none of this would be possible. Who in their right mind would agree to a 40 yr old husband with two small children going back to school full time for 4.5 yrs with no income? Well, she did and I am forever grateful! Thank you to my gorgeous daughters Carolyn and Michelle for being like their mother, '‘practically perfect in every way.” Thank you Mom for my medical brain and empowering me to be me. Thanks Dad for the athletic genes and the no quit /finish what you start mantra for life. To my five sisters, thank you for keeping me in touch with my feminine side. To my football, basketball and baseball high school and college coaches, the lessons learned from you and thru sports I apply today. Thanks to Mrs. Beardsley for broadening my horizons through musical theatre. Thank you to all my teammates in high school and college, it was a blast…and can you believe that I am a doctor? Thanks Stones for your lifelong friendship. Thanks to my Best Man, Slip, the best of listeners. Thanks to JV, Dobber, and Swish, friends since the 80’s, Thursday night hoops, and beer… and we still have beer.

Teachers of Healing: Thank you Middlebury College head Trainer Dick Waterman for inspiring me to help the injured. A big thanks to Dr. Lou and his wife for fixing my back and showing me the blend of energy work and chiropractic. Thank you Margaret and Linda for your transformative energy workshops and guidance. Joyce, my workshop partner, energy worker and the best of female friends, I miss you dearly but I still feel your assistance from over there. Thank you Leo for sharing Joyce and daring to join me as the only male participants in the many workshops with the area witches. Thank you Maria for your healing hands and sharing in our lifelong quest to heal each other’s bodies so that we may continue to serve our patients. Thank you Doug for keeping me adjusted. To my idol, Dr. Hammer, thank you for your mentorship and guidance. Thank you Dr. Pearle for your educational and institutional honesty. Thank you Dr. Goodheart for inventing and developing Applied Kinesiology. A huge thank you to Dr. Charles for your inspiring words of wisdom, your amazingly effective teaching of AK, and for your mentorship and guidance over the past 25 years. Thank you to my mental and spiritual motivators whose books and audio tapes have been a staple of my studying and practicing for 40 years, namely; Brian Tracey, Dr. Wayne Dyer, Dr. Deepak Chopra, and Dr. David Hawkins.

Golf Business Influencers: Major thanks to Dr. Greg Rose and his significant contributions to golf fitness around the world and his mentorship back in the beginning before he became famous for TPI Institute. Thanks to all the local teaching pros for sharing patients and techniques with me, especially Sam, Jerry, Ed and Mike. And a deep thank you to my consummate teacher, Paul. Your knowledge is unsurpassed and you have been the major contributor to my personal golf skill development. Thanks to Jay-Mo for outfitting my office with Titleist and passing the word around. Thank you Coach Tom for letting me pre-season train your golf team.

Staff: Last, but certainly not least, I have been blessed with kind, caring and over-qualified women that managed my office over the years. All had unique qualities and personalities and all put my patients first. Thank you Jennifer for your 20 years of counting my pennies. Where would I have been without you? Thank you Nancy for your caring ways and buying in bulk. Thank you Susan for your capable calmness. Thank you Linda for your cheery singing attitude. And thank you Tamsin for your business acumen, work ethic and economy of words.

My Thousands of Patients: Thank you all for allowing me to assist you with your healing. Your wide variety of chief complaints were challenging and educational. I appreciate your years of kindnesses and appreciate your trust in me. Thank you.